Camilla Rutherford


Camilla Rutherford

Working hands

These hands needed a holiday. A farmers work is never done. Having been away for a month, we have had time to step back and reflect on where we are heading with the farm. There are so many days when it seems impossible, the work load too much, too many things to battle against, and a never ending to do list. It’s all too tempting to chuck in the towel, and sell up to some overseas millionaire.
The thought of being able to farm, not just sustainably but more than that, REGENERATIVELY, keeps us motivated. But with rising costs of running farms, and no support from the government, it worries me that the family owned farm will become a thing of the past. There are just too many battles to be fought and hoops to jump through. Currently, as well as running a farm, we are fighting to keep our irrigation water that we’ve had for over 100 years, without it, we are a desert. Rabbits are a huge problem here and we get fined if our rabbit numbers are not kept in check, but its at our cost to control them. If they take our water, water which the whole farm has been built on, and fine us for having too many rabbits, what hope is there? @jacindaarden now wants to tax us for our methane. WHY can’t the government recognise farms that are doing responsible, sustainable and regenerative farming, and support, encourage and incentivise them instead of taxing them? Im longing to prove, like farms across the USA and Australia have done, that farming done right can be a carbon SINK, not a carbon emitter...