Camilla Rutherford


Camilla Rutherford

Paddock Smoothy

PADDOCK SMOOTHY TIME!! My husband recently invested in a new piece of gear, a Tow and Fert. This sprayer is opening up doors to apply nutrients to fields in a fast and accurate way that we haven’t been able to do previously. He has done a lot of research as well as soil tests to see what needs to be applied to help stimulate biodiversity and soil health.
He calls his mix a ‘Paddock Smoothy’. In the big tank he mixes Lime flour, humates, fish fertiliser, molasses and a bit of Balance nutrients (sulphur, salt, sulfate of potash, molybdenum , selenium, zinc (and a small amount of DAP, he recons this is the last year of weaning ourselves off chemical fertilisers!)) The tank agitates the mix and blends it all up in order to spray it evenly out as a slurry. This is all an experiment, as with so much of life, it’s about trial and error, play and progress. He is also having fun with putting seed into the mix to add diversity to old pastures and cant wait to see what happens! The regenerative agriculture movement has really helped put the joy back into farming with a promise of a brighter future for everyone!