Camilla Rutherford


Camilla Rutherford


My husband cuts up a wild deer from shot on our high country blocks by my father in law. My husband is teaching his sons what he learns from his father, knowledge passed down through the generations. This meat is sorted, minced, sliced and frozen and will feed us for months. Meat.... To eat meat or not to eat meat, what is the best environmental choice in our present climate? It’s a confusing world out there. I have to be honest, if I did not have access and the means to buy to free range, regeneratively farmed meat I doubt I’d eat it or feed it to my family. I endeavour never to eat factory farmed meat, eggs or dairy, this is wrong in so many ways.
However I don’t see that highly processed ‘fake meat’ is good, in the contrary, wouldn’t touch it with a barge pole, not even the dog or insects eat it if left out, its that processed and full of rubbish. I get why vegans make their choice BUT are they fully informed of what well farmed meat can do for the environment and climate change, and how it can have a hugely positive effect? We are incredibly blessed living on a farm, with access to meat, eggs and wild game. Our boys are growing up knowing exactly where their food comes from, what it takes to get it, grow it and cook it.