Camilla Rutherford


Camilla Rutherford

Tracey Bayliss | GRANDAD’S BEEF

Tracey Bayliss started Grandad’s Beef 4 years ago. It sells tasty nutrient dense meat, exactly the way Grandad liked it. But Grandad also cared for the land. He wanted his 270ha Waikato farm to be sustainable for generations. It’s simply a common sense approach to farming that he adopted more than 35 years ago. 

Grandad’s beef is raised on small, family farms that use regenerative farming practices. They’re on a mission to improve the health of animals, our environment and our waterways. We owe it to future generations. We owe it to Grandad’s legacy.

“Mum and Dad have been farming regeneratively for nearly 40 years, but it wasn’t called regenerative farming back then. Dad would just call it ‘a common sense approach to farming’. Because you don’t want to be saturating food with chemicals.  It just doesn’t make sense because it’s what we put in our bodies. Of course it’s going to affect our health, which is so reliant on our food being healthy. The soil is the very first link in that chain.”  - Tracey Bayliss