Camilla Rutherford

The Workshop

Camilla Rutherford
The Workshop

How many farms have spaces like these? Welcome to the Workshop. 5 generations old and where creations of all shapes and sizes have been crafted over the years. Anything and everything can be fixed, modified, invented and built by the skilled farmers that tend this land. Knowledge has been passed down through generations and the Kiwi no8 wire ingenuity is never more present than in this space. I never want it to have a ‘good old dung out’. It will never be replaceable. Through never chucking anything out, re-using, re-inventing and up-cycling nothing is wasted here. As with natures philosophy waste isn’t an option here on The Point Station.

My clever husband is currently modifying ‘Frankenstein’ an enormous wood splitter built by him and his father that has been added to, improved and re-designed over the years to become the ultimate wood processor. Our sons watch their father, soaking in his knowledge, just like he did with his father. 

How long will farms be able to stay in the original families as we move forward on our agricultural journey? It is becoming ever harder to farm these beautiful pieces of land, with mounting running costs and lack of support from the government it is all too temping to chuck in the towel. The way I see it is that it’s time for the government to stand up and support farmers and help them transition into a regenerative future. But they need your help. Please see to sign a petition to ask our Prime Minister Jacinda Arden to help farmers make this transition so that farms can stay in the family and farmers can feel proud again, proud to produce world class food in tune with the nature, all while sequestering carbon and enhancing the environment for generations to come. This can be our new normal.